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Today I Wrote a Book

16 Oct

Today, with freezing cold hands at a Starbucks window seat, I wrote a book.

No, I did not finish the young adult novel I’ve been working on for forever. Instead, it’s a picture book, the idea for which had been nagging at me incessantly for the past eight months. “Put me on paper,” it whispered in my ear, over and over and over again. So I did.

It’s slightly longer than the average picture book, so I feel some editing may be necessary. But, it’s a solid story and it’s based on a true story, so I know it’s mine and mine alone. Now I have to figure out what on earth I’m going to do with it.

Much research on the internet must be done regarding agents, editors, submissions, etc. I’m sure I’ll be bugging my more experienced writer friends (*cough Ali cough*) until they’re entirely tired of me. It’ll be work and it’ll be frustrating. But, I am proud and relieved to be at this point with at least one of my works-in-progress.

Today I had the wonderful opportunity to celebrate the publication of Alison McGhee‘s new book with the author herself. I asked her some questions about her manuscripts and the form they were in when she submitted them to her editor. Then she asked me the big question, “Are you a children’s book writer?” And today, I was able to answer, “Yes.”